Wednesday, January 28, 2009

QM Session 1 :)

Hi guys this is RJ. Originally I wasn't supposed to be writing today's plog, but, as Anurak wasn't present for act today, I conveniently traded my Venture Camp blog post for this.

So, Quartermaster Session held by Tak Wei and Jack, both of them part of our very own 0106 batch. Generally as most might agree, today's act was rather slack for Ventures. Anyway, after the first horseshoe was called by the Venture Quartermasters and attendance taken, we got pumped. Acutally, we were pumping because the PLs and APLs were pumping for phailing attendance, so us pump happy doods also go and pump for fun. Only after we pumped finish the 28 then I realised the Ventures just got pumped by Tak Wei and Jack. Thanks.

So, the patrols were assigned to do the saikang associated with QM sessions: Kestrel and Eagle cleaning metallic objects, Falcon and KF doing Sailmaker's Whipping (jaaaack), Owl stock checking patrol tents and Hawk cleaning stoves. At least that was what was said in the proposal. I apparently saw Falcon cleaning stoves and Hawk whipping ropes though. Some switch.

Since the PLs go back to their old patrols to assist them in whatever they were doing, Francis went back to Eagle, Hiok to Hawk, Sup to Owl, Kuan to Falcon and Alvin to KF. Anurak, on the other hand, somehow joined Raffles Players two weeks ago after auditioning, according to him. So he now has LitRA, AEP, 01 and RP. Bomb. Prob because they needed to sabo someone to play the female roles, so might as well get one who will always do it. So I went back to Kestrel.

Since our job was to saikang and clean the metallic objects like saws, parangs and axes, we had to use sandpaper. When I looked at Eagle though, what they were using obviously wasn't sandpaper, and it turned out to be some 01 Official Receipt Paper. Imser, some foam, so I changed it for sandpaper. Later I found out Tak Wei had said to "Make do with it first", which is quite screw up for the VQM.

After all the saikang which was quite fast and 30 min ahead of time according to Tak, we went to go and help whip ropes, but almost everyone was stoning around talking cock. Only some were trying to even Sailmaker's Whip, which probably everyone forgot. Admittedly some were talking cock and whipping at the same time, like me *ahem*.

So next part of QM Session was distributing of cutlery, so we all went to the Den Storage Area to have fun. The APLs started to arm wrestle for the cutlery, and meanwhile the Ventures were huddled around Firdaus, very puzzled and suaning him a lot for his mat jokes.

"Bang who die?" "Hiok die." "No lah you die!"
"Bang who die?" "I DIE!" "Ya you die."

We all couldn't figure it out until it was realised that the first person who made a noise died. Damn lame la.

"How many meh meh jump over the wall?" *accompanied by a series of hand actions which probably had something to do with the answer*

Apparently only Amos (Leong) knew how to figure out the answer at first, dunno about whether we figured it out later.

Then got Francis' "____ can touch?" No one got it. A few people like Kuan or Amos (again, Leong) thought they got the answer, but after one more clue, they both realised they failed again.

Meanwhile the SU was having some lame joke competition, including some old jokes like "Pau eating himself", "blonde buying a T.V.", "A man walked into a bar ouch" which ended up being quite retarded. VU sent up two reps, Amos and Francis to tell lame jokes also. However they were so lame I can't remember them now. We kept asking Sup to go up, but he insisted he only knew racist jokes. Eeyur. Which was quite true anyway cos he started telling all the racist jokes he knew to the VU. Foaming, we went back to the den to get our stuff and to the canteen. Apparently what the SU did after that was rather *fun* (from the perception of the VQMs), but you'll have to ask Tak and Jack for the details.

It's Amos looking bored because he knows he can tell better jokes.

Tak and Jack sitting on the box, stoning and watching the SU.

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