Tuesday, April 7, 2009


i'm screwed up. Its 7.58 in the morning and I'm writing this on my phone in school. Anyway, yesterday, we had hakka practice or campfire prep. I came for act, unable to recall more than half of the moves we learnt on wednesday. As a result, i had to depend heavily on the pros such as sup and hiok to help me remember all the moves of the hakka.
so after the horseshoe we proceeded to the 3rd level admin block (the place where we used to paint banners) to practice the hakka. we were first unofficially split up into groups by sup, with me in the all blacks which included jon ed franis and i. (surprisingly soham pang seh-ed. just joking.)we practiced the hakka together as a full batch (excluding you know who) and we ran into some problems. first of which was that we didnt have enough of the hakka spirit and secondly marcus and tak didnt come for the previous act so they didnt really know the moves. because of that kenneth, the one with the hakka spirit embodied in him went to teach marcus and tak and the rest had to be more maori-ish.
throughout the course of practicing, some moves had to be changed. this was because we forgot some of them and implemented a mix of tee yong style and morris-junjie style, ending up with the 0106 remix of the hakka. after the change, it took me quite a while to adjust cause i was still quite unsure and still mixed up the v 1 and v1.2+0106 remix hakka. now, this was while we were being officially split up into groups with h!ok sup amos and i in 1 group. i was screwing up. i had to rely on hiok's moves. and when he made a mistake, i also made a mistake and i killed everyone. sigh. some fail. after the 3 groups had done the hakka in front of everyone, the ones who had been imparted the hakka spirit returned with kenneth, we were again split into groups with our respective teachers. they included hiok [who was sabo-ed], francis, kenneth, and sup [who sabo-ed himself]. amos and i were thought by hiok.
we went to the semi circular area of the 3rd level atrium to practice together. we immediately went into problems (caused by me). the problems can be sumed up by saying that i didnt show enough of the "hakka spirit" + i wasnt very clear with the moves, what came after the other. hiok and amos were helping me to try to get rid of this fear of 'screwing up' by encouraging me to do it alone. but i let them down. hiaz.. but in the end, after what zhi xuan had reminded me of about self motivation made me do it. honestly speaking, it wasnt so bad.
from then onwards my attitude towards the whole thing totally changed. i tried my best to remember what i had been thought and what i was told.enough about that. moving on, at about 530 we went to the gym (jim) field where we lined up in the v formation and took off our glasses and did the hakka. i must say it was quite okay, the strange thing is that in my row, i could only hear myself and not the rest despite having takwei behind me (maybe cause he's sick). according to the manly ram, we didnt look manly enough cause we basically, didnt look like the (real) all blacks.
nevermind about that. after that act ended and there was soccer training which, as usual, hiok tried to escape from and pangseh the rest.

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